Joanna Colomas

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Immoral tradition WITH VIDEOS

Can you think about the traditions that we used to have and no longer practice or consider moral? Racism, slavery, pedophilia, sexism, homophobia, polygamy, incest, violence, mutilations, and more.
Today we remember them and think that was immoral, outrageous, wicked, we wonder how could people do that, and fight for the countries that still inflict some of this rules on their citizens.
The fact that we've been doing something for a long time has no impact on whether or not we should continue to do so. Thus the traditions we have today doesn't necessarily mean that they are morally acceptable. 

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Traditions are passing down from generation to generation, so they generally started centuries ago, or more. Every day we discover, experiment, progress so we can modify and adapt ourselves to a better life and world. So as we evolve as a culture, so do our traditions. Which means that sometimes, doing the wrong thing for a long time doesn't mean that it was the right thing to do. But from time to time, often for wrong traditions, excuses such as "we've always done it" or "it's in our tradition", gives the power to make part of the culture unquestioned. 

Every year at least 56 billion farmed animals are being murdered for food. How is it possible that we slaughter 1,500 animals every second, and not question that?

If you look at the definition of "tradition" this is what you'll find: "the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation".
Stories justify actions, how many of us grew up hearing "you have to eat meat to get protein" and "you need cow's milk to get strong bones"? I know I did - By the way we have absolutely zero biological need to consume animal products to thrive and be healthy. 

You might be revolted just with the idea of eating dog, but ask yourself why are you fine with eating a pig, a cow, a chicken and a fish. Not elephants, not dogs, not mouses, not seahorse, not cat, not chimpanzee but pigs, cows, chickens, and fishes. Why would you be revolted and disgusted just with the idea of eating a dog? Most of the people will say that a dog is man's best friend, then what about an elephant? You might say that is too big or that there is none in your country, so what about a mouse? You can find them everywhere, right?

There are other cultures, where they eat cats and dogs, they eat mice, camels, dolphins, sharks and whales, spiders, cockroaches, gorillas, even bats, and the list goes on and on. This may seem abhorrent to you, but if they do this it's because of their traditions, and the stories they've been told. Same for you, we told you dog is friend and pig is bacon or ham. But why would it be right to eat one animal, and not wrong to eat another animal? Why do we draw a random and subjective moral line in the sand? Why do we love some animals and yet eat others?  It's culture, it's the stories we've been told. They're not the same for everybody.

I'm not here to tell you what to do, how to think and even less what to eat, but simply wanna share my knowledge on a subject that is close to my heart. What you do with this information is totally up to you.
Now what's important is what would you have done if nobody would have influenced you on this subject, what would have been your natural instinct?

